blunt: a cigar that has been emptied & refilled with cannabis; contains tobacco but usually only from the cigar paper itself

bong: a glass or silicone water pipe with a filtration system; includes a mouthpiece, bowl, neck, down-stem, & water chamber; provides a smoother & cooler smoke (able to get you higher than a joint)

cannabis or “cannabliss”: a plant; common terms include Dank, Herb, Weed, Pot, Marijuana, Ganja, Grass, & Mary Jane

CBD: cannabidiol; chemical found in marijuana; meant to help you feel relaxed & less anxious (can also be given to pets); is different from THC

canoe: when the joint burns unevenly; one side is burning while the other isn’t, creating a canoe shape (AKA very ˗ˏˋ𓅭ˎˊ˗ing annoying)

cone: another term is the ‘baseball bat’ because of its shape, as it starts small at the base & widens out at the tip (relates to the shape of the joint)

dab: consuming cannabis extract (oil, butter, rosin); contains higher concentration of THC which means it is more potent & gets you higher than bud

dab rig: a glass, water pipe meant for cannabis concentrates (wax)

edibles: food or drink containing cannabis (THC) (AKA tastes like straight booty but gets you ˗ˏˋ𓅭ˎˊ˗ed up)

hemp: hemp & cannabis are the same plant; both hemp & cannabis contain CBD and THC; the THC levels are significantly low, which allows it to be in skincare, food, clothing, bedding, & much more (AKA an extremely useful plant)

hybrid: a strain of cannabis that comes from both an indica & sativa plant; popular strain due to its blend of uplifting & calming effects; some are more sativa-dominant; some are more indica-dominant; some are an even 50/50

indica or “in-da-couch”: a strain of cannabis that is meant to relax & calm; can also have euphoric effects; can also cause the munchies (AKA you’re either going down on a pound of potato chips while being a couch potato OR you’re being a freak in the sheets)

joint: filled with cannabis; wrapped or rolled in paper; also commonly called ‘reefer’ or ‘doobie’

kief (keef)(: higher quality is tan or light blonde; green is less concentrated; you get this by grinding the bud with a mesh screen; also referred to as ‘dust’ or ‘chief’

pipe: a handheld glass, silicone, or wood device that produces a hotter and harsher smoke; simple way to get high

roach: the end of the joint; the harshest part; usually saved for later

sativa: a strain of cannabis that is meant to boost your energy; give you a creative outlook; up-lift your mood; can sometimes cause the munchies; can help ease anxiety in social settings

straight roll: shape resembles a cigarette; more efficient smoke 

THCA: tetrahydrocannabinol acid; non-psychoactive cannabinoid; doesn’t get you high unless it is turned into THC, which happens when it is heated to a certain degree during a smoke session

THC: a crystalline compound known as tetrahydrocannabinol; main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis

THCA diamonds: a high purity & potency crystalline form of THCA; meant to give you a stronger high